censoredd-name 14h ยท Smart lighting is great but shit when it doesn't work properly ๐Ÿ™ I think I'll have to go back to normal globes when these die Daniel Dawson mirabelle think flurescent globe states 10W(10watts) though the 0.09A multipliedd against the 100?240volts from the wall/house source of power think means it is 21.6watts and that isnt 10watts though think due to my obmittance of the "resistence" factor that is the changeing the accounting end numbers outputedd, so yeah need to read up on ombs law and electricity resistence in to do with circuits and that though yeah 1 m Reply Daniel Dawson otherwise youre stuck with the 40watt bill($)saving$ killer globes?/z! 1 m Reply Daniel Dawson sorry the 200watt flood lights are more so the coinage reducter/reductant ๐Ÿ˜• 1 m Reply