PizzaBoxNotetationFromFriday20240216after9somethingPM.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 1. ? NOTETATION ~ Maroondah Masonic Centre & the brick, brickwork & concrete pillar foundation & above support Carpark underneath AreA ---- & then Eastland's Multiple CarpPark($) allottment($ & the newish VicRoads building multilevel Carpark Includedd & think BELGRAVE thirty oO this year June 23rd I turn 37 2. that 1983 fifty cent coin for Either Charl or Mayra or Heath or maybe Pottsy though Remember RACONCILE ASKING$ Entry ----- 3. the need multiple metres of ground Floor space area & the SimCity like Allocatetive Zoneing & or for persific purpose($) ---------- & ? tetris filling it out? Or just Good use of Designatedd Area($) maybe Patchwork doona($ explain ------- 4. the walking hERE & something about NidgeCo'$ Common Sense basic Street Smarts??!! 5. "plead the fifth" .txt file explainedd make agreedd PAA understanding 6. Pay Pop his $6 defineately & try to have the $50 so $200 Or maybe $6 nine times Less the $4 change ---- 7. ?8 9.10? - - - -