u n f r e e . coffeecup.com
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The Venusian Temple SHELL = $1,944.75c AUD still left till $8,000.00c AUD in revenue paid to that particular servo in UFTG...
- The Scrapyard $20.00c AUD
((from an over payment of $51.60c AUD that was ment to be $5.60c AUD and i have so far repaid $26.00c AUD hence how i owe now $20.00c AUD still.))
- The Sassafras Oracle $2,000.00c AUD for thousand dollar?$ damages?/z intirely from me having an inpure thought looking at a prizm pillar crystal in a cabniet and it curruptedd got all cloudy in the crystal! & a thousand dollars for a gift$ to others tab/?pledge?not sure iv fully committing to this $2k might end up spending such on ebay instead...
- The expectedd in August 2024 times?/z! my registration for my only car....
- Already paid the $120 for a brand new car battery & also paid $100 to start off a car restoration fund float balance finance$?/z!||| ||||
- The danbank bond money $ $$$ amount$?/z!||| ||||
- The DAY$Z $88.00c AUD principle debt i owe him...
- ! not the five hundred overdraft !!!!!
10cent$ per one sidedd black and white A4 print @ Alpine Study 2024
~ sometimes myspace does play the vocal rap lyrics whilst playing the startfromscratch07 audio file just so you know..
The attempt of resurecting the JuneJuly2017 index.html file
unfree.coffeecup.com /
indexRESURECTION-A20240217-1.html ~ notice the removeal of the felt i got doggedd by so me calling sponsor$?/z! that one spikedd girls i likedd and got head off and the other something that doesnt phaze me nearly as much or at all almost even ~ ripping me three thousand clam$!