!!yeah i know i didnt do the manifesrt list of things i neededd to do before doing that last file's OCD'd TiME STAMP as i got side tractedd typeing about the last bit barometre or whatever it was anyhow 355am Sunday now January 28th (2024) still the end segment of the AustraliA DAY2024 public holiday weekend! :) 355am ~ this to do list from memory: * the html info file on AuspostMobile advocatacy and advertish attempt to share with links and leads to having cheap unlimitedd calls and text prepaid mobile credit plan that has 2GB data(dont use facebook or youtube or music)sorta just google searches and or small KB or MB data devoulge?eating up browseing&internet use though unlimtedd calls and texts (not MMS i think that is taken from your 2GB data that may roll over to next 30 days billing period to a limit of 100GB though only $10 per thirty days or 29 and the 30th ment to pay the $10 again though i think it means that for $130 (paid as $10 thirteen times in thirty day intervals is like 390days credit thats more than 1 year true!?!! pretty good i should mayb just use this typedd notepad .txt file though thinking ill copy and paste this and i gotta make an .html one as i need to put any revealant and lead links onthe file that i intend to add to my site though yeah.... 359am ~ Happy AustraliA Day 2024 ! for Fr1day just been .... . . . . 4:00am & yeah not sure iv i should add this here though need to mention and type the nonb$ arguement or agreedd history or realtity of the b$ surrounding and at the core of this always was always will be ~ enient domian b$ that i feel threatens the ?security?safety?attritionless?dis?conisderate-able b$ opf theieveing land and houses from those that had to pay 10%p/a interest on their home loan 30 years ago and not this under the milking teet of $2B loanedd @ initially 1%p/a then waivered $20m per year for the National Trust, US!? AustraliA cant be in debt with some bank ?NAB Seymour?) or the rba!??? anyway i dont know it all though real Aboriginees wouldnt have a flag so the red black and yellow flag is a b$ that i reckon harms or disrespects true extinct pure geneology aboringnees that like the Torrees Strait Islander unlucky supersition upside down horseshoe flag another sign of bad luck and melbourne uni logo with the white angel of evil with not a speck of factual inpurity pouring bad lucky there the like Casear Wreath onto our Southern Cross ! that what i dont fully understand or agree my ignorance hasnt destroyedd ruinedd my chance of knowledge though those three colours are only i think on the german flag also and that GDP factory and solcializm fascist fashion b$ of WWI and WWII NAZI$ do we really need that again Construct and Forest dyke fines lake nuclear reactor mercanary labour conglomerate!?anyhow with some self and catchment educatedd elites being some superior then those deamedd second class and not worthy of a waltDisney Worth job and or sunjectedd to the ratsak counterfeit chrystal "to kill junkies" :( anyone useing that term language is a scumbag. and it is a pity the only way to catch redrumers are via the need illegal daily sustinance satchlet backpack armouredd truck etc anyhow 408am completely misswedd retirement 401am and im hunchedd over the keyboard and not sitting down as i thought to do this initial typeing quickly whilst there was mememory of stuff i neededd to type though havent mabnagedd to rememeber it all yet the minute list anyhow 408am still ill stope there save it and not ocd time stamp it as i need to continue within this same file ok~!? anyway anough for me right now dog time 409am yes good it literally is/was 409am Sunday January 28th 2024. start typeing here after saving this file dan!... .... . . . . . . . . .