u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
| | | | N o t e $ - 2 0 2 4 0 1 1 4 - D A N . h t m l | | |
Aluminium Can$ ~ DAN's CAN COLLECTION (?PTY LTD & SOLE TRADER ABN CANCELLEDd Due to insufficient business transactions due to advance payment/lump sum @ the metal exchange of $51.60c AUD instead of $5.60c AUD so $46.00c AUD extra that since i have reducedd this to $20.00c AUD with $26.00c AUD worth of aluminium can$(not10c1s though @ 50c-$1 per kilo..
- The Venusian Temple Revenue Pledge now: $2,146.10c AUD
? THE idea of this "ClerkWork" that has to eventually adventurely be done includeing mainly SCANing finite interesting or not parchment/receipt/paper writing/drawing example samples?z & . . .
. . none of this tells?/z & includes?z information that was spoken between me and Tibble$ this morning||| ||||
? 1 0 1 A M ! . . . / / / / / /