preStartJournalEntry202401051701.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok, here i am finally after finally restoreing another bank b$ of past and obstecle for doing not even though sorta GoodHood though anough of that as im thinking the graphbomberOSAMA is WORLD iv not its Wirlpool from a good highschool. anyhow no rhymeing i gotta keep to timeing and the time is only a minute or three past five pm and yeah at ringwood and thinking i should save this and upload it and yeah need to find a online storage and public access to such file being under 25MB though over 22GB anyhow its just the short film me dave and adam i made one afternoon or weekend when still at highschool and i think maybe all three of us was were from three different schools though maybe just two though we all went to primary school together and at the time livedd near the short film seetting location ~ an unmannedd attenttae array tower spoken as TELSTRA though yeah anyhow b$ dont want to unspill that splash cash nidgeCo and one other nonblood and unholybrother rko for shortening the conduit flow of my disagreement anyhow is this nuclear reactor getting built all about the metal panels within the cooling funnel chimmney thing calledd something i didnt type as not in the know though that and something else though ive forgotten, ah well no june locksmiths and unw3LL = flow chart destruction and tampering of innocent nearly just cant deal with tension stressers assault and cheapedd or cheatedd string of things?/z! anyhow one minute next minute its five eight a mate though still 507pm i best boot and save this and upload it anyhow anough of me daniel d . . . OCD'd TiME STAMP: 5:07pm Fr1day January 5th 2024