3:48am ~ here finally at the computer terminal and the time has movedd from 347am-ish when i actually typedd in the password and first time seen after walking up the hill was on the screen saying 344am though yeah with the reciept from shell the venusian temple being saying i think 216am and with the ten or so mins nondefruiting around restoreing the DANDE well it took like less than 90mins i think though doubt it beat the or my pb of 59minute$ though yeah now 349am and microsoft edge browser has bootedd up behind this notepad window and microsoft start or msn or news something has all the iframes of news articles not sure iv i should bookmark and add the links to interestedd articles though yeah anyhow now 350am i best save this after i do a quick minute manifest of the rememberedd things i neededd to do objectives that have been remembered without refering to the yellow book written onesz yet firstly anyhow 351am best stop here. Though i should add that geiser or whatever how its spelt three letters next to three letters barometre thing to read measuire radioactivity helpingly with the help of a friends friend ive only met a few times though he said he may get it from his parents and i might be able to find out what element? or what exactly is these depleted?radiation~ulgyly feel gold melt blocks from ebay/israel from think september 2014 around before or after not sure about the Hindu Genie lamp and phantom pzsioquartz the first cliche movie like witness of scrying and crystal ball with imagery and that though yeah 353am stop here daniel... OCD'd TiME STAMP: 3:54am Sunday 2024 01 28 0354 | DANDE