Some binjury chant of the monsters?beasts?characters from that Where The Wild Things ?Grow?Live? Though when I was thinking this last night it occurredd to me that these charwcters in the unseen unseeable foreground might in fact be the realness regarding the seven archangels as they are characters people even iv they are angels or aliens or immortalsz though reading not the book of Enoch (as psychlink said iv i want to live a good life dont read it , and then last night even though some text on relatedd info statedd that the book of enoch has info about the archangels though still the idea to not read it even iv interestedd was to make sure like the neccessities for true faith not proven to benefit belief faith was so i learnedd the archangel information without a possibly animal pharmedd text / obmittedd chapter book of the bible though yeah reqding wikipedia i think last night and mentions of 7 archangels i thought of the information i heard or read a few years ago think 2017? Though how with virtues and good principles that there was 4 cardinal virtues or characteristics that helps give way to a geometry seven virtues or something and yeah 💬 NG these drawings painting of archangels even though might be based on our of this world heavenly characters that have bodies and voices though maybe they each depictedd a virtue ir something with thinking the 4cardinal virtue synanym for and those 4 being i think: Prudence Temperance ?Justice Truth? Charity?i think was of a outer of the 4 seven countedd maybe ? Anyhow principles and traits one and any one person mortal in this world would help others iv such decidedd to and attemptedd to emulate such goodnessizmsz (the virtues and then not vicedd like fuckwitz do sometimes deEducate 1254am Fr1day20240322$! 1:55am Fr1day20240322-THAT speech bubble and NG in the above scrypt denotes this i think chunk of could of been typedd and now deletedd and o forgotten information that could of helpedd the furthering of certain virtureous learning other than being fendoffless to the science and mathematics proveing THE FALSE PRINCIPLE for example sample of correct truely is increasedd and of a larger number of AUD (and other world currency$) profit though those in support of it are more apathetic to the peasentfeed like me and so many nearly everyone not on the $4k per week (or the $72 per hour and relatedd profession$?/z!))) anyway now 1 minute not even till 2AM !!!!!!