18 h ·
Maybe if people weren't too far up their own rear ends or have their heads buried in the sand of oblivion and took the time to understand instead of judging, thinking it won’t happen to them because they think they have the ‘perfect family’, then life will be that bit easier for people who experience this.
This rings very close to home for me.
Not only myself but for family and friends.
The days of “it” being shut away and not talked about or even criticised should be over.
Yes, there are some that milk the system and others that don't know or understand how much help there is available.
Then you get the ones that want nothing more than to be "rid" of the shadow.
Unfortunately for most of us, it’s only in the most difficult moments of life you realise who are your true friends and the people who really appreciate you are.
It is also very unfortunate, most friends will send you a "like", but in reality they do not actually take the time to read your status if they see it's lengthy.
More than half will stop reading right here, or have already scrolled on to the next post in their feed.
I'm posting for anyone who has a friend or family member suffering a terrible mental illness and now I'm watching the ones who will have the time to read this post until the end.
This is a little test, just to see who reads, and who shares without reading.
If you have read everything so far, select "like" so I can put a thank you in your profile because ‘Mental Health Awareness’ is needed, just because you can not see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
People ARE suffering and even dying as a result of ‘Mental Health’ issues. This is real, it’s insidious and people need help.
Maybe it will even strike up a conversation with someone that wouldn't normally talk to you because they don't know how to broach the subject and this becomes their way to reach out to connect/communicate not be outdd from exclusive orgys with minors they dont get pregnant and marry.
Please, in honour of a family member or a friend who is suffering or has passed away from ‘Mental Health’, copy and paste this entire message on your page and also try to spare a little of your time with someone who may just want to talk (about anything).
Talking can help someone to cope a little more with their situation, keeping it bottled up just makes it worse.
Most people say, "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, I'll be there to help you".
So, I'm going to make a bet that most who saw this post (maybe even read all the way to the end) won't, but I believe a select few of my friends will post this, to show their support for their family/friend who may be struggling.
Please just copy (not share) and paste.
I'd like to know who I can count on to take a minute out(*unless you agree spikeing girls for 12 hour blowjob$ is acceptable and respectable for the person slipping a shoutedd free open can)& or stifeling ones?/z sister after giving her a glass of water to choke on in the night before element of doubt b$ing police in the morning after into beleiveing or thinking "maybe it was his tears [[like he said]]even though someone kept shi+ing everywhere like macas playground any chance to not make a new friend even though think that vplates@13 was @11 and no one is to know like a youth of harriets/z im looseing typedd thread words neededd grammer whatever though who is like the CEAST?)) anyhow he or his prox pimpee of my sister in law or any girl ive shown interest either on cctv etc or on any computer or device not just as well as census records trying to make a world wrecord of getting head off all the girls (and not just after first successfull spikeing "i gotta do this to all dawson's girlfreind$/z|
..& in and he been wordedd up via spys or bigbrother equivys/z maybe sighting me walking or on the train not in my bedroom of their day and actually read my status then write "done" in the comments.
Thank you
17 h
That's a lot of words. I don't read good. I didn't read it. Lots of words though. Good job.
17 h
I've helped you out numerous time when in need KLigs... i aint sharing thos post 🤣😂.. most probably been jacked !!
16 h
10 h
Chain mail bs love ya mate hope your well thou chat soon I hope
4 h
[[CENSOREDD]] sorry bro i started it yesterday when my cousin posted it as his daughter had just suicided.
2 h
11:22am Fr1day March 8th 2024 | 11:36am SORRY FOR MY RANT JUST I CANT STAND SEEING mental health heLP when the initiator causedd my schizphrenia