and how bad does it annoy me when ordinary "elite" 2nd classer$ / employedd and overwell paid people like for example the audio train carriage overhead public announcement inply that mental health issues are b$ and those with mental health problems (like myself) are pretend retardedd!? Do not they relize that mental health b$ like schizophrenia or skitzo-affective disorder and non of these psychologist labels terms like PTS (that is still real though isn't always medicatedd as there never is any medicine for such legally) are disabilities that haven't the observable precific traits and visable symptoms? they obviously haven't caredd and looktdd up to someone of the opposite gender & had not just themselves knocktd out though such person spikedd and for 12 hours give head to a criminal that nearly twenty years later is worshipedd by those choppedd "in" this unsecret social-secular prelude to another modernday take on the 1930's final soloution. I guess they dont think getting forcefully and duressedd though surrendering and letting fortnightly appointment punctures of their body with a needle and injectedd with chemicals that have really no medicinal traits?/z just dampen and tamper the individual to be doseile and unmotivatedd to ever be a threat to any fascist socialist 2ndClasser self thought and remindedd by those in on it also only and the outsiders are legally and for their defruitedd selve psychology people to toy and f with all within means and methods that have been scrutinately researchedd expriencedd and legistlatedd into some b$ wrong though taught correct code of conduct or flowchart proceedures?/z in scenarios?/z like duty of care and or 1124pm duty of care synanyms 11:25pm ~ ? obligatedd authority and or responsibility protocol ? within my obilgational duty as a (employee usually of state and of public service)that i feel dont value the position for reasons of helping unfortunate or ordinary poeple of the public though rather the perks andmost inportant pay and the overly spoiling of not just themselves?/z though of the center and prox$ of this flase principle b$. a usedd to think was my friend/mate no longer,~ aLL b$ /// //////
11:30pm Tuesday March 5th 2024 | D A N D E