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?725am signedd loggedd in @ 720am just waitedd a bit for windows to load and notepad and all the other thingsz i clicktdd though yeah right now 725am going to go outside for a can of v and some much neededd ciggy
. 726am Fr1day March 8th 2024 | D A N D E
7:26am ~ ?????
now 747am!!! & i missedd 746 a prompting time to contact my exGirlfriendNeighbourAndForAseriesOfNightsBEDWEDeE anyhow 748am now and 749Q is a superstitious set of playing card numbers card equivysz like i got the night i met Mel(Melissa) @ a local park from my mate's parent's gathering party barn/garage/shed that i used to call in writings THE SHED OF LIGHT though yeah think he lives in Queensland now or something though that night drinking there with him and i think maybe my God mother's son though not sure iv he was there though think so though anyway said after sighting those four playing card equivalent strongbow bottle caps underneath all in hearts i go "oi lets go to the park(DRCCC) i'm going to meet the girl($ mindset felt like typeing even though it was thought just 1!!!) of my dreams?/z!" though yeah it was literally the girl that i God knows how much longer before had a nightmare and woke up clichelike rizeing just the head and torso 90degrees going "ohh! um (either way) i just had a nightmare and got my heart broken though i dont know who it is!? as this was maybe even a year before that night we went to the local park from THE SHED OF LIGHT though yeah anyhow i was with her not even a(sorry maybe 2) month*($() before she initiatedd the idea that we both go and get a tattoo together and im pretty sure that was in May (and even speculate that susperstiously coincidently it could of been Sarah's (& Flik's)(and i am under the impression maybe even Daniela's) birthday MAY 30th though yeah this was 2004 though and i got a fifty dollar inner arm branding like sorta chaos star though was a sun (that older other schoolers teasedd me saying "petal" and not respecting the sun that it was ment to be and i would say i got it becausein the center it says MEL and i gravitate/orbit around her as she was the home/homeing center and yeah she got the same similar design just with DAN in the middle at the trampstamp part of her lower back though yeah after a few months and getting cheatedd at least once she endedd up filling in her star sun and covering the DAN part though i thought i intendedd to keep or a tattoo is for life so still to this day i havent filledd mine in and for reasons that sorta make me feel better about it and how like for instance Sarah being a major definately inportant person for my lifes past and then present though her mum was calledd Melissa so it sorta with idea of history and ancestors or whatever it tiedd in still with her, Sarah as that was her mum's name and its funny because the house i learnedd of Mel's the tattooedd 1 was in this upwey house with the creek flowing threw the property even though a rental we livedd there and thats where i got my heart broken though i think 7ish years later Sarah's mum and her boyfriend actually bought the exact same property and me and Sarah campedd there on the risen part elevatedd free of the creek and my hearts ache was invertedd and mendedd by Sarah and even iv technically near the end or when this psychlink spoke of new years orgy when i was working washing dishes over the christmas new year holidays i still feel that Sarah never cheatedd me though yeah anyhow i did her by maggotting myself though i think that startedd either after this spike orgy b$ or after our abortion like over a year later maybe though yeah anyhow i dont want to slang slander like i do rko who at these times in my life i thought was includedd within my bestest friendsz iv you could label such people that some after minor b$s/z do forgive at least ergghhh thinking about how i slander and derogatize rko overly not really i guess ill only forgive the k#nt once this Alter of Filth ordeal horrible ending actually happens and he dies and with death anyone who becomes dead most iv not all their sins and transgressions/z against or hurting the hearts minds of others i think does finally get forgiven eventually?adventurely?at least ive been thinking that that Christian Jesus equation preaching formula of JESUS being the forgiver of sins or died for our sins well im my philosphical and religious zealotizm-not-quite-fanatic-ist b$ well it was that Jesus died so we whom have hurt or broken the hearts of any person get forgiven and a clean slate its more that JESUS died because at the time sinful sinner badhoods bad men (and women) actually killedd him horribly and he was a good dude had minimal sins that he did during his life though GOd is not a person though iv God was such would be like JESUS in his good nature or good doings teachings miracles even iv animal pharmedd like the bible unforuneately though yeah the time is 806am and my phone on charge made a ding ping bing noise as i got a msg so i should check though i didnt elaberate on some of the seededd threads prior these keystrokes though yeah still 806am and wanting to save this at my birthyear indicative numbers 8o7am thoughit is still 806am though just then ssecond or so ago ckliktdd over to 807am so yeah ill save this and do the rest of the intendedd work afterwardsz in this same computer laptop setup sesh hopefully i better stop typeing ok DAN !
8:o7 AM - Fr1day March 8th 2024 | D A N D E