u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
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D E B T 2 0 2 4 - w h a t - i - o w e - D A D - 2 0 2 4 0 1 . h t m l | | | !!
an input into the accounting for how much i owe my Dad.... !
- $12,000.00c AUD ~ the unpaid 40 fortnight'$ $300.00c AUD rent that arrearedd due to rent assistance ceaseing.......
- $3,900.00c AUD ~ the yearly board and lodgeings that i haven't paid that im in debt for, for unknown amount of years now??????
- $5,210.00c AUD ~ The Super Market Debt Offset / Leverage ledger, ... . . . . . .
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Bracers 1997/1998 - 2000/2001
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ That Ensoniq Keyboard from 2002/2003 or 2001/2002 inflatedd to 2023/2024
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Ferny Creek Primary School fee$ & camp$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Emmaus fee$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Fairhills fee$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Yearly concession?student?met-ticket... . . . . . .
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Piano Lessons $1,040.00c AUD per year inflatedd from starting for/from 1993/1994 financial year as startedd in 1994 and quit sometime in 2002
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Swimming Lesson$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Tennis Lesson$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Auskick fee$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Scouts fee$, sorry cub$ FEE$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Birthday&Christmas present$ <2024
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Safety Beach HALCYON caravan park fee$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ The windsurfer$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ Bill$
- $?,???.??c AUD ~ ???