| | | | P ! Z Z A - L I S T - 2 0 2 4 I I I . h t m l | | |
- Shaun Pritchard & Zac Yhe (from over a year ago!) 1 large Mt D or equivalent pizza . ... .....
- The Everistsz @ least 1 Mt D or equivalent large pizza * /// / / / / / /
- There are heapsz of other people and familie$z that i want to though can not afford as yet (and or organize) provide me fundedd multiple free shoutedd pizza !
- Cl!nt & those present that night salvageing/clearing/saving stuff from the barnlike shed, like SOS84 and SHAY.A. & OTHER$ this is in 2022 September . . . . .
- David Homewood - 1 Mt D (OlindaPizza) or equivalent large pizza to share & 2 value Domino$ pizza$ that i pay for and of the 2 we both get 1 each.
- Paul Agostinello - 1 Mt D or equivalent large pizza that I pay for that we both share to repay one he got from work over a year ago when we last chilledd.......
- !! ! there are more people i just can not remember right now whomb they are that i need to repay said owedd back tangible eatable fast breakfeastable good food of Western culture . . .