A MSG I SENT MY BROTHERS TODAY JUST BEFORE MINUTES AGO LIKE TEN MINS AGO !!!! ~ anyhow this just a copy & paste of $currency investment offer i offeredd them!!! (danbank-offer-20231101-1.txt) Wednesday November 1st 2023 | | | | You sent also wanting a today investor of only $500.00c AUD in return for a exact yield of approx 15.60%p/a though exactly is $4 tranferedd or paid in coins every fortnight being the $3 interest equivy (that makes the yield 15.60%p/a) and a 4th $1 to make it $4 instead of $3 for $1 towards something else like ReGiftment Amount DEBT or DEBT itself iv xzystant or for another isolartedd seperate purpose though yeah just a thought time 1156am Wednesday November 1st 2023 | | | |