preStartJournalEntry202311011147-1.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ! ok, HERE I AM FINALLY AT A COMPUTER TERMINAL !!!!!!! And yeah.. I need to check facebook and contact a few people via such and yeah see iv anyone wants to go to the library and iv i may get just one investor of $500.00c AUD only in return for a think approx 15.60%p/a yield return on such though exactly be $4 per fortnight transferedd each fortnight and that comprises the $3 per fortnight interest equivy on the $500.00c AUD investedd and the 4th $1 so not $3 though $4 is paid is so $1 per fortnight may go towards the ReGiftment Amount needing to be equally paid up to level and or a debt and or other account / accountedd for purpose though yeah hopeing either my blood from a stone Dad may invest though thoughts are that it may be my uncle instead and that would be good, defineately ! . . . Anyhow anough of me and i best make this new November 2023 manifest index menu thing list of links for my site and yeah this will be addedd to it also.. OCD'd TIME STAMP: 11:51am Wednesday November 1st 2023 | | | |