preStartJournalEntry202311061824-0000.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = OK!, just here at the library after catching the train from the city back towardsz sorta my area iv justifiedd though yeah i was thinking i should try and get some or all of the drawings pages at least scannedd from my diary journal im carrying currently today tonight though yeah also thought of my mate Shaun and how he should come along to the library one time with his kidsz or not though would be good getting him to routinelylike visit the library as another free daily activity all most daily sometimes its closedd though yeah anyhow here i am and i didnt see the woman i think let me off 60cent$ though i do need to ask the staff about doing scans as i cant rememeber fully though yeah hopefully i learn how to do them without staff assistance for the near future. anyhow the time is 627pm and im thinking i should just save this file and then open coffeecup and upload it and make it have a link to this file on the need to typeup todays Monday November 6th 2023 | | | | anyway all good.. OCD'd TIME STAMP: 6:28pm Monday November 6th 2023 | | | |