preStartJournalENtry202311081854-0000.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = !ok, here finally after a nearly an hour train ride though yeah finally at the library typeing this prestart journal entry and not having much to add other then i addedd to this VISION?idea?ofMaroondah(YEAR)2050 and you could only add three words so i rit "NO MORE ECTS" even though i neededd to add the NO MORE NEUROSURGERYS/Z UNCONTENTUATIED AND NONDISCLOSEDD that the MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2014 allows for, hence how i "legally" got head rivotedd back near then ?2014?2015 @ that very Hospital also "Maroondah" ipu1 or 2 i think i was in when the last night that time / episode i was admittedd anyway anough of that the time is now 657pm and i think the log in thing said only got 58minutes so not even the full hour though yeah as the library closes at 8pm and that reminds me of a task idea thing that i had as an objective today tonight here at the library and that being a list manifest of all the "late night" (=8pm close_ (of) Eastern Regional Libraries during the week and yeah starting with i guess Boronia Library MONDAYS and FTG Library TUESDAYS and ......