p l a c e $ : BELGRAVE : FTG : KNOX :

Eastern Regional Librarys 20z1

w w w . y o u r l i b r a r y . c o m . a u

........ok now, LibrarySchool is just this idea and theme of those that cant or dont fit in or are unable to complete tertiary education like at TAFE and or UNI university ( and i have to add in here a later edit/additive of Community Houses that offer national recognized merits that are certificate I, II, III, ? IV ? and Diploma levels as well! ) & so these people that have failed or not past or havent gotten to be able to learn the information of the trade or aspect / subject that they wanted to and also could provide to society in this western world some usefullness though due to unable to meet attendance or just the cemented rigidness for punctuality for 1 then LibrarySchool self education is something worth doing.

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R e l i g i o u s R e s e a r c h - a facebook page that I made i think last year at the end of June 2020