preStartJournalEntry20z208051214.txt ==== - = - ============== - ==== - ===== Anyhow here i am at the library and the place smells of onion not a nice reminder for petfod and the like victim or traumaed anyhow its like that family cult pig stampedd human meat of some bs anyway its not funny how people watch your mouse cursers movements and keystroke though jack up ciggy$ in exice to pay them the money to pi or what have you im not employed so i wouldn't have a clue on how things work. Yeah, anyway um the idea of jobs createing jobs shouldnt it be that all the jobs are done and we can chill and robots can man the factorys and mine train rail not septarhing the inland bring the hemline and counter-veilancey of wind and harsh broken hill like rash and discolouration like the oil dereks in california back in 1910 or something made that Joshua Tree desert anyhow pFizer died in 1885 victor hugo and they the origins of ten pence crew maybe formed the company of coca cola after they thefted the tonic though the recipe appaarently written version lacked the trusted neccessity into making it a every morning v like drink anyhow heard the word tax and how i was offered an internship at the ato in year 12 for exit of school though thought i didnt want to help the "taxman" because everyone i knew who worked hateing the fact that part of they pay was taken due to the xzyst of tax and taxation. Though hows this iv you earn $37k a year you pay a third of the tax im paying in excise per year full on true? anyway thinking of ending this string of typeing here and save it and then go ahead making the html neededd for another small LS sesh menu index anyhow injoi yourselvesz! !!! !!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 12:20 PM FRIDAY THE 5TH OF AUGUST 20z2 | ||| | | | |