preStartJournalEntry20z207181402.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ alrioght here we are @ the library again and all i really want to do is see ash and i gotta score otherwise ill get anxiety that will render me completely defruitedd and i wont be able to do shiFt. anyway had a pepperoni pizza so broke vegostraining for the 7th time now so that aint good though i dont really care today sorry all you animals out there though yeah me not sewerslideal is sorta selfishly more inportant though yeah now 204pm and been here for two or three mins though yeah i best do a paintFILE and wait for these two others to contact me anyhow today is Monday and i had two Monday Missions that i cant really remember what they were anyhow signing out on the preStart Journal Entry . ... .....