facebookTYPEDdCOMMENTpost20z207281932A1.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ Author My_Anxiety_Log_3_ the underlineing issue and biologic problem that has the forcedd user of such (anti-psychoctic medication the injection slangly called "the depot" though i was administered begining 2012 i think for this particular medication after a stint of already 6 or 7 years pending how u counting though back then ten years ago a decade i first was injected with accuphaze?75?mg beinging cycle bs then every fortnight after that the 200mg zu-clopentixol 200mg though most websites cite decanate though its just a throw off BS it is producedd by some english? compnany LENDBECK or LINDBECK that was LINDBUCK though yeah due to only being trialed for five years or absence of that thereof and me doing the rat guienna pig neccessity though i begun to have this ;like panic stoned bad ectasy pill bs sensation and conciousness of this "oh defruit im going to die, defruit im shitting myself (and not) and "someone is captureing or hurting someone i care about who is external to biologic sensory though yeah i found out recently like within the week that what i was calling "ANXIETY" was indeed DYSKINESIA and that was due to i used to think dyskinesia was the resstlessness and kicking my feet and legs in bed restless unable to get comphy that i would state was the night prelude to getting such "ANXIETY" and i used to metaphor my anxiety as "BEING SPRAYED LIKE A COCKROACH withering not mutilatedd just NERVE GASSEDd so yeah i think that medication has roots in its chemicologic history as "nerve gas" that would send any fearless soldier into a panic and vunerable complete submission and surrender in hope for the "cure" or gear from the supply truck so that story of NAZI soldiers not able to defect due to a wagon supply truck or trench houseing carrying METH or some form of near METHADONE though yeah i was considering getting on the methadone program due to this anxiety/dyskienesia as it is the most horrible escruciateing untangible to others discondition OCD'd TIME STAMP: 7:30 PM - THRUSDAY - THE 28TH OF JULY 20z2 | ||| | | | | Reply1 m