preStartJournalEntry20z20728Thursday1.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ ok, here i am @ boronia library just trying to do the effort and routine of doing first a preStart journal entry though yeah keep thinking it is wednesday though it is thursday though yeah waiting on some peeps though should be good i have propergatedd to some about LibrarySchool and how its the alternative to those unable to attend regularly and punctually either tafe or university though yeah public state librarysz are a good 1... droptd two lines of scrypt code to line 6: though yeah anyhow i should thinmk about what i need to do this holidaysz that i dont know what from they are though yeah i would be better off thinking like my freedom is that like leave from SECU or similar (psychHospital etc) though hmmmm , anyway up2u the reader to read this though i gotto still make a .html menu index thing for todays LSsesh & also try and do at least one paintFILE and i was thinking of doing a solo on its own manifest of how i spent my cimic returned coin overdraft this time though yeah i may do that next or last... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 4:33 PM - THURSDAY - THE 28TH OF JULY 20z2 | ||| | | | |