preStartJournalEntry20z207291242.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ Hey ! just came from kmart and got hopefully all that is neededd for me to kill my debt to a mate$ dad for these lined cue flash cards that i was gi evn a few of ages ago over a year maybe 2 ago though finally thought and put my effort on and into getting something to suiffice to repay the minor capillary debt liability of my deayth equational?accounting?that?some?bible?scribe?or?theologin?declaredd?about?how: THE sin=heartache you cause = your death. so in respect to this few pads of stiff card paper pads things that i owe from, saying ill get him a packet for accpeting a few cards in the past not only is it false witness iv i dont follow threw with repaying the said tangible promised or said id return & it is larsenry and causes heartache due to theft not repaying a time forwarded debt or liability same thing though yeah iv i repay all my tangible and financial debt$ and do a masacara lipstick list like happy gilmore or adam sandlers other one might be bug daddy though not the golf one even though i think it is with the crazy kunt on the couch with his martin list anyhow the time now is 1246pm ive been here for near or over 3 or 4 minutes maybe exact maybe not though yeah this is just a need to thread and engrave routine near non bs that my drama teacher at emmaus taight or was the set homework that being of me writting a bs paragraph of lettering writting that hadnt have to have any questions answered just report on thought$ so yeah i guess thankyou miss ms i canyt remember your name though you were good looking anyhow this woman was probs?/z like another good to sight teacher my computer one that banned me from useing the computers for a whole month due to email bombing the entire email directory of in house in school emails so all teachers auxillerysz and students a dodgey beter then assaulting videos though as bad as St.Alfreds?Hosptial video$ and subcapsule videos the site was this: and i posted it or emailed it only because i was saying that bullys should stop bullying becausea it reaches levels like this not the train victim cut in pieces though bs like not king hit kinetic transfers just blowtorch or tripping one over or like a shiFt kunt exmate satifleing his now dead sister with water in her mouth from a glass he preparedd (maybe unture) though point is 1.00%p/a over a loan life of 25years $1.00c aUD loanedd and only haveing to pay $1.25c AUD back per dollar at the ned of 25 years defruiting faults me because there was many a $50k Hopetoun and other bs that stamp duty wasnt the main concern like someone who purchases for the national trust fund proprietry a property into self ownershipo for a quibble single dollar ... ..... though thing is that run down aboandonned house in boronia back in 2018 that was rented by the squatter for $300 per fortnight just for the interim time tie over for his "asian(three asians make a welsh man) mate to purchase it for $1million just so embezzle 87 can tidy up his personal mortages that was truth back initially fair to all AustraliAn$ the $450ish thousand @ 4 or 5 %p/a though after me being knocktd out and wakeing up from a nightmare of my now future saying to my mate: " oh man you were making my life hell though io know how u can make shiFtloads of money just get a 1%(p/a) loan and he then marked on his bedroom calandar something i said must of been the year as i continuely ocd like scrypt the current days calanadar square on paper as a formality or better end line reference of any interested or sussing my journals or the like bs no good manuscryptives that i sold 30 something black leather 48cent$ cost each journal i filled with my scribble non bs and it sold with my paintFILE($) for $401 and i am still owedd $250 of that thankyou for reminding me ! !!! !!!!| ......well i better end it there and save it even though i got 47mins left at this computer though need to upload it to coffeecup astat ! !!! !!!!| OCD'd TIME STAMP: 12:56 PM - FRIDAY - THE 29TH OF JULY 20z2 | ||| | | | |