preStartJournalEntry20z207301310.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Anyway travelled all the way out here to Ringwood to come here into Realm Library for a sesh session of LS anyhow i keep thinking that people not everyone though few too more frequent of my paranoia targeting me or at least being concious of me when moving footpath paver to paver though yeah like walking from the station to here across the road as im walking up the steps and the ramp some chezel motioning to roll me or cause a psychotic episode of someone doing a rko quadrapledgic prelude that is thrown off the gangway anyhow it is because of this so called stalking that was due to pigeonholeing a letterbox or a guessed residence and i thought that was what letterboxes are for and i went the day i was arrested to her work before it openedd to drop off these cards (that i started and decidedd to make instead of going to the brothel the day i left the pub and got hit crossing burwood hwy enough to give me flashbacks in bed and i fainted went uncioncious from the kinetic transfer and woke up in a hand plant push up position i think completely due to the venusian magma under the ground and the fact for at least 5 or 6 years the majority of all the fluids i intake are delivered in a aluminium plastisteel can vessel and also the threading footwork distance back and forth over the same 5?10km area well it delopedd a needing in primary school and never had till later on in life nearesst 30yo this thing i calledd "the anti-trip-slip. re-balanceing kit." though yeah fully pay respects to the venusian magma and the thought of as fact that before the world had oceans and land to walk on it was this venusian magma a surge and slice?segment?orb?piece?flame of sun burst and or detatchment that travelled at a distance from the source it came from and whirled around for trillions of years gathering space dust in order to have landmasses and eventually humans God and the black skinless silluwette from orb?star?humanoid?not sure iv ever non threatning and or hostile forever? 4eva? 4 ever ever? Sarah help me i need to check both ankle$ ! not meaning to be badhood joker like anyhow time is 117pm and i am here typeing maybe i should wind up thogh back to this stalking well it happened because i was going shopping at this warehouse clearance store of cheap stuff in particular the dollar or under can of cold coca cola and with me not drinking water and having to have 1g of ipswitch sugar per 10mL and iv lactose 1g per 100mL of full cream milk though yeah this girl woman older then me that i originally only knew of as being a nurse of the same ward or other ive been too on a few occassions ?episodes due to my schizophrenia and being "uNW3LL" (NuJJ3W)newjunki3!not really just i didnt think much of her or even began to think of her as a possible person to go to sleep praying for though one afternoon after laying on my Grandparents couch that is distance wize like a 5min walk to this wareouse clearance store that this woman worked at well the psychLink that i later relizedd was this old murdered man who livedd in this house that is now abandonned up near where i live or my parents right and yeah i found his bones or 8 or ten pieces of remainings just dryed no fluid human bones some mixed with the bison buffalo bones of these strange to have occupy paddocks that ajactent to my old primary school again all in the one subburb where i live grew up though yeah i took the bones after ziplocking and labeling with time place and that and dumptd the bags as i kept finding extra pieces as it started with the fist piece of bone that was near the back of uftg station near the train shuntyard service vehicle enterance gates and a carpet of gravel stones like next to and along some or most of the rail tracks though i seen this bone questioned first erggh strange true ? then like two or three more different days went past and i kept seeing it there on the ground and though the night before i ziplock bagged it and real life pretended it was forensic work like one of two professions that i said in grade six 1999 i wanted to be emplyhedd as though yeah did something about it it was october 2017 at this point and then the next two weeks or so infrequent days id find more pieces and it gort to the point that the last piece i found on the nature strip of one tree hill rd i first though was a hand and then i went up to this what i thought was something though was a pile of mulch debris so i kicked it and out comes another piece of bone and i thought then defruit it i cant be fruitedd bagging it and taking it to the copshop as the kunt is dead and i think this last piece that i found was after the april or first week of may 2018 hosptial psychward addmission due to this stalking" though yeah anyhow its because this dead buried alive dude who was tortured and killed buried under a then concrete slab and shed maybe not the slab though a shed was built over his metre or so deep hole that they excavator toyed with him hitting him in the head till he was fully defruited he was branded in the other shed as well and yeah not sure what else though the body got exhumedd like twenty years nearly later and due to that i found the bones as they were skattered in a way that is the only way i know of xzysting of removeing blame that could arise from evidecne like the exmate bastard spoilt kunt with the 1% loan fixed for 25 years bjcoin specialist maggothood, anyway where was i? um yeah anyhow this woman i "stalked" well i think when she was five or something a young kid before school i think well she would help this dude man badhood who shouldnt of made a movie with an olderer then the stalkedd girl woman who i think used to change his chair pan?or something because this kunt was fat as and was sleeping previous this badhood porn with a corpse maybe his wife i dont know anyway its all near bs to any "well" and socialist reader though yeah better finish thread there and save it and upoad it otherwise ill loose all my typeing . ... ..... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 1:31 PM - SATURDAY THE 30TH OF JULY 20z2 | ||| | | | |