a thought how before or near?wwii the board game monopoly was createdd to normalize and help make acceptable & legitamate the idea cousin to ( the 8th wonder = interest ) ... .... !! RENT !!!! u defruitedd moron ! .......pay the rent every week month or iv u get in debt a girl must maggot the landlord ?to waiver the(or mow a lawn for 2 hours?z) is this your daughter johnston? cut much red tape ???? .... sorry man its wrong and unfair that im displacedd in any given ten daysz yet you swindle legally or embezzle the ocean av property where my sister in law needs those fiddy u pay 80?70 elsewhere for her 40 plus a toilet video to make a gobby 50 evil bastardry hence the alter of filth i dont think u get to live your 38th bday man eh f wit .... OCD'd TIME STAMP: 2:37 PM - SATURDAY - THE 30TH OF JULY 20z2 | ||| | | | | crayZ = Z37 = 237 & the end scene of the shinning 1980 is a bad year true !?!! E.T. & Shangrliarhs real mars mirage planet martian$ ? this is in dispute of apprition authenticity? damn missed saving this file on 237 for the room in the shinning where the corpse old aged woman is in the bathtub unlike the video clip of the song spotify tunedd ~ Trevor Something - ?the?possession