Daniel Dawson
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"It is because Sarah was not a whore and i could of been in heaven every night with her with me and our dead kid."
"Im tried of sell out of monogamyk girls that have chosen to make porn with moneybag$ for later torture of spite videoes\z of all the girls I liked though didnt like me back like Sarah did. We had to give up our kid lucky shes got her own child with her same boyfriend Tommy, otherwise id still be thinking of us in the home SAW exprience,
Shay Aitken
Do you know the book of Daniel. See most of the book of Daniel. Was written by king nazabeath, at least it was taken off his scrolls. Like you know it's him , it's his scrolls and he says, I king nazabeath at the start , these scrolls still exist. See Daniel, he was the King of Babylon. And that Babylon at the time was the ruler of the entire world. So he was king over everyone really. I say this to you, because the book of Daniel is actually about rebuilding bigger and better. But you do realise it fell before riding up to more powerful and wiser than ever. It was not the fall of Babylon to be noted. But more when in the hands of king Cyrus , it was rebuilt. In fact it was promoted by God that Cyrus would rebuild all people, and so he did.
· Reply · 52 m
hmm interesting though the information i have retained about Babylon and due to civ2 the city of UR and age of empires Babylonians are not Egyptians and yeah in recenter times 2015+ i refer to such as Baby Long Gone and the tower of Babylon is a port or stool? platform for spacecraft to collect and drop off people without landing fully and also there is the wonder in civ2 the Hanging Gardens (that due to post 2006tafe boxhill and the slight quick view glance at this angus&robinson book store koran that had a pump less forever flowing fountain that used displacement and lift like flying though the fountain had a square rectangle resivour that refilled and was poured into it wasnt sourced on a river it was a closed isolated system and yeah invalueable to the multi-trillionaire who re-discovers the ability to use such science in something like landscapeing anyway um Babylon Sarah Baby and our "Darwin" that i feareed in 2017 was rigged up to a machine on the top spire or sorry within it with the pizza oven flue smoke smogging the spire though yeah cyborg like NAB selling UK LSE:CYB (CYBorg) Cyldesdale and Yorkshire Banks in England or Wales? on the british isles though yeah then it turned into VUK:asx?LSE? VIrgin Money Richard Brandson's purchase capping though yeah thats 2000teens the change was so by 2020 though now is 20z1 and yeah the book of Daniel i am unsure iv i have read it as i supersitiously only used to randomly open the book at random unrandom pages divine designed fated not decaffineated though yeah Daniel to me has me think of the INTERPRETOR and DREAMS analysis person decyphering the dreams a royalty had and was cast in the lions den jail that "Angels held the mouths of the beasts/lions closed for the entire time Daniel was ment to be torn to shreds though yeah i CAN NOT INTERPRET DREAMS i have witnessed future happenings that after dejavu ending up happing "tear for tear, drop for drop" and "mL for mL" though yeah hence my psychosis and schizophrenia and my DELUSIONS that have dreamt material beliefed that will happen like others have/had though yeah hopeing this 8x14=112 is a good one with the 2nd card a drawing of this wog or ?bolgariun?woman that i sighted once or more>?though she is pretty and proberbly half way between our ages though shes not a widow though psychlink haunts had me think all her boyfriends have MIA'ed thougn yeah not saying shes the red rummer or her lover?friend?wacko?uniform relatives though iv shes been with the one partner for God knows then good. moneybag$ wont be able to meet her sell out reach that i pray doesnt xzyst though yeah im dreaming thoughi was quite happy walking out into the stormish wind to where i am suspect of someone living within a villa i graphed one ciggy a smilely face on the small street running along one side of the property on the back of a sign though when i had to leave and return to here i was drained of all goodness and happy feelings hence the decision to graph an ashgraph cruix on the metal with the simpsonic 4 and 3 D and C dots though yeah 226am that number inproves my thoughts and mood though yeah im going to try and go to bed after a ciggy or two and not maggot i just want another girl like Sarah be there with me when i wake up and not 4 grown men grabbing a limb each like at least once prelude to maroondah visit stay has been (to ensure i dont pissbolt and run and do the lash that is short lived) anyhow the song that had me waltzing in the happy mood is now on spotify its the guitar and the prayer in C like guitar and music and the dodge wacko maggotizm that i did think last night or the night before is the brother of a girl ill love though yeah so his singing is her mind doing the phil collins though yeah anyhow .Sarah. anyhow 228am um 6 and 8 on the money 68 though yeah i think im typeing too much not enough ill copy and paste this post and convoe and maybe add it to my site tomoz or later pending iv i can forfeit and crash though yeah on the walk back to alpine it was exactly sorta like when me and Sarah would drive back here after she finished work and picked me up we were so unhappy binded by our dead kid and now my dads that person and divorce i reckon is just waiting on me being jailed for 95months to ensure no inertia in the displacement though hope to God that my delusions and visions of the future scenrios that could be due to room placement and things like this and that though feb 23rd 2022 ill probs be in St Vincent basement cells and going to get my orgazm nerves removed so i cant or wont maggot in the cells and yeah flimzy d oh well now that aluna george dj snake you know you l;ike it is on and is one song that i danced on graves in figure of speach i think i did near the end of me and Sarah though yeah hosptialization hopely i find a girlfriend soon. 231am im going to copy and paste this now thank you Shay for getting me to type some stuff.
Daniel Dawson
bloody didnt relise what i was doing and lost all my typeing lucky i copy n pasted into this html file:
Religious Related me & Shay |||
Religious Related me & Shay |||
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Shay Aitken
Daniel Dawson not so much religious , I was reminding you life can change. People say people of Babylon were bad , not true , it was led by some very bad people and , god loved the people , as I said he wanted them to build back better after he got rid of their corrupt leaders . Once they are gone, I'm hoping and praying you will thrive and rebuild. I'm giving you hope. That is my point, not a sermon.
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Daniel Dawson
yes though in truth the "temple" "teaching" "themepark" "facebook posts that are read & responded-action-typeing-response Happen-ing "facebook" um just saying real teaching of truth or trues not lies and bullshiFt / bullscrypt is RELIGIOUS and is proper Religion sorta i think anyway though nice to hear the startFROMscratch & salvage (tobacco) incorporateing ??waste.management??? recovering from loss and hardship or this nation wide recession all because a finite few were given next to cheaper interest rates then the RBA RITZ pools to the monatory policy 4 anyhow 338am is off the coca cola can that the bayswater cannery is now fully private no public shares anymore and all owned or got sindled taken over by those i call "TEN PENCE CREW"
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|| 3:41 AM - THURSDAY - THE 12TH OF AUGUST 20z1 ||| | | | |