RA20z208020618 ---- -A List of stuff ? OFF eBAY1.txt (usb$?&MoonPaper$ & Ultra Pro Sheet$) ---- -Another list of all those I owe, derivedd from fb msger. ---- -&Another list derivedd from my Phone. ---- -Another Phone Number list from Phone. ---- 621AM T U E S D A Y 02/08/z2 ALL Notepad txt file$ ==== -txt file Quantifyable -horde-inG_List_Alpine.txt (ciggy butt$ all related tangible$ & more) ---- PreStartJournalEntry($). ---- Prehap$ the # f I N A L t E S T I M E N T ---- E=MC2 ? 513? ----Daniel product elixer$ Radio Talismen$ the ebay list you moron ! recover or new eBay account ----