The Rent Areared $300 x 40 = $12k & ReGiftment$ - - - - Shell Revenue $8k -> ? The Missed Board Payment$ Sarah's Pledge Money $ only $2,981.87c AUD till $21K The Oracle ~ was ment to spend $2k @ least $1000 These Five $300 payment$ to repay $1500 that I loaned @ interest , already paid the Overdraft debt. Monday July 4th 'z2 The $100-$1000 AUD List June 30th 20z2.$ Mum ($15k) $273 - $21 x 13 = $273 & $30 pfn + bonus centage (>$273 = 55c extra bonus $ An Investor in Future -> $4700/$5k @ $300 p/a The Super Market Debt & bill$ . . . GPC20z2070407387 debt tribute ledger$ My will & debt portfolio $0.00c AUD - $130 $1000 & under debt list The hundred plus debt list The ReGiftment Amount $ List 20z2 The Pizza Debt List The toilet paper Roll$ tribute/debt list The Water bottle dropsite locations list The Tangible Returns List The Jesse&Em Shopping List July June 20z2 The Allison Bungalow List Feb2020 The Rosanna Address Tribute & debt list The Hamper($) Reciepient$ List The Brett Hughes tribute & debt list The $30 Present List ? 20z2 = $ --- |||| That sixty sixty1 Mum & Dad The Tithes List$ 1cent charity/donations list$ - - - - The ReSupply List$ The Pantry List$ The Mascara List?$! The SOS Group Limitedd HQ tribute & debt list The Doug&Trish list The Fuel tribute list Monday July 4th 20z2 . $ . . . | | | | these three pages type transcribe into 1 .html file & yeah thinking to go to the FTG Library.