GPC20z207040824 FTG Library ciggy$ - - - - Debt Ledgers transcribe type$ & b4 that the 9 & 11 yellow book page$ & the less than 39 pocket notepad pages transcribe - - - - those 2 . . before Midday - - - - Raen, & or nothing fully DAN is {illegible} = = = = A half an hour or less than 2hrs wait till 10 AM = = = = - - - - 947ish AM - I Hope that $2 rule doesn't xzyst ANYMORE - - - - $18.58 x 38 = $706.04 + $19.95c brokerage & 76 152 190 2 4 5 Make Order for 38 @ $18.51c AUD to be sure! - - - - then May take this $85 for My $190.83c AUD DEBT, & DR Interest & $10 fee ! Just need the phone to charge & then I do need to do that & SpeaktextryszRE:|(!