THE 33 POSTITIONS OF THE 30TH OF JULY 20z2 START TICKET ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== 33positions $33 ten week ticket for Saturday Tattslotto ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== (33) Granny (32) R.I.P. Pop ( so Granny gets this position's win$$ ) (31) Me , myself , Daniel + Dawson ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ==== (1) Auntie Chrisy & Lez (2) Auntie Colleen & ??? (3) Auntie Angela & Paul Grant (4) Uncle Martin & ??? (5) Uncle Damian & Margaret (6) Uncle Stephen & Michelle (7) Auntie Bridgette & ??? (8) Uncle Michael & Trudy (9) Mum Therese & Dad Stewart (10) (11) Tina, Paul, Luke, Kate, Amy (12) Danielle, Chris, Maxine (13) Rebecca, Jeremy, Rachael (14) Ari, Madeline, Angelique (15) Jason, Kristy (16) Tim, Sam (17) Doug, Tom, Jesse (18) Elissa, Leigh, Brendan, Sarah, Carie (19) Hayley, Shae, Austin (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Pop (26) Glasses Granny (27) Cliff & Di (28) Cliff & Di's kids (29) Gayle & Jox (30) Ralph (10) Allison & her Mum (& maybe up2 them Erin&Beau&Kobey) (20) Duncan - need $2 to be on both tickets(new&previous) (21) Shannon & Ryan - need $2 for previous 1 & new ticket (22) Brett Haverland - need $2 iv he wants to be included (23) Stephen Warring - need $2 iv he wants to be included (24) SOS Group Limited - only need $1 for new ticket spot ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ + ====