4:06am 21st of AUGUST 2018 as I'm drinking an cola cartridge or was until i set it beside the keyboard instead of having outside on the verandah having a ciggy or two or more. I need money im in debt with the bank I will be able to restore it to nil dr balance with this upcoming payment just then im short for the fortnight. I need to earn some money i looked at a job site jora.com.au and found a cleaning job that is from novemeber 2018 to april i think it said $22 per hour not that much though not as bad as i have or others have worked before.

The time is now 4:09am DOG time and I wonder what I should do? I sorta hurt this girl on the internet I reckon due to not being motivated fully to go see her due to likeing someone else mainly and I dont want to play her. I am a bit annoyed as she was like the only girl talking to me on the net and she wasnt that bad looking just didnt want to go meet her and be either not happy with her or end up laying down with her thinking of the other girl. Anyway time now 4:11am 21/08/2018 & I think I should stop there though there is money issues like my debts that need to be paid and also I need to secure revenue produceing ventures the Alumnium Can collecting is been dudded due to inability to transit large volume of cans to the depositry and also how the place that I am renting at doesnt really permit hordeing cans and metal.

2minutes and its DAD TIME (4:14=414=DAD) & now it is 4:13am so 4:13 so D:M = Deep & Meaningfull, that was first said to me when I would sit in the couch booth at East 93 and have conversations with girls that at the time were slightly interested in me. TIME now 4:14am and Dadwill be getting up for work soon and I gotta take out Grannys bins still i think or someone might not take them out to the street and they wont get collected its worth the 147c fare back up the hill.

4:14am 21/08/2018

Now sipping on my can of coca cola and booting up coffeecup.com on the internet so I may add & upload this page to the sit. I also put on that hour long version of that song ~ Acid Rain - Lorn (1 hour) - The Last Night OST The anyway its 4:17am DAG TIME & yeah do not know what I am going to do today other then ensure iv I can get those bins on to the street curb or Granny may or will get inudated with trash rubbish recycles all unclean due to being put in the dirty unhygienic bin. I did think recently that bins should be clean enough to eat yougurt from meaning more vigilance in ensureing materials rubbish trash garbage wasnt just a system of collective unwanted and thrown out stuff more thought and conciousness of minimizeing the issue of uncleanity ~ a motivator in the removeal of safeway like shopping bags plastic in order for either people to purchase plastic bin liners or to attribute to prevent this bag shit and not isolate real shit like I have and did with the cat shit from the cat litter put them in ziplock bags to prevent them uncleaning the bin and helps the dude or machine at the thiese siv and shifft threw conveyourbelt sorting all the trash manualy like inmagined though its proberbily all done with a machine or process robot machinery system does certain things to seperate the types of matter. Anyway the idea of a home compost is brillent and one good idea household routine? regularity? system?process?decision?chore?job?action? that I learnt or we learnt off the immigrant family up the street back in after sometime in 1994 when I was in grade 1 and they moved her to Australia from South America i think, anyway they had a compost and then due to vedgy garden hobby attemps the compost seperating table and vegatable and plant matter into a compost dumping bin in the kitchen helped create an input for an on site resource (the composted material) and reduced some of the uncleanlyness of the actual rubbish bin and contents itself. One problem is even with or without a pet dog is the issue of meat and for example fat from bacon rashes or bones, just meat can no really go into compost neither dairy i think or defineately not plastic and or large amounts or pieces of cardboard or glossed paper as it doesnt break down. Here @ Alpine Lodge I had a good system and due to lack of an actual compost bin used to dump straight on the ground in a rock wall marked out garden compost dumping bed section where the matter was exposed to the air and also animals from where ever wwould be able to scavange threw the material and other then being an eye sore the sytem worked well as a compost seperation waste solution. Now my parents purchased an actual near 60litre or so black plastic compost bin drum with a lid and even though it is similar I still reckon my first idea was better as it never produced extra work having to turn the compost or have a fermentational gestational? low or no ventilation barrell. Its just I guess with out a collectional bin then no further produce product the composted material as fertilizer can not be made and also contained/accumilate due to it only adding to the dumping garden beds fertility, that is iv it was sustineance for the soil. A definate quibble on such no meat only plant matter guideline for compost is the issue of egg shells, it is said it attributes to good compost health though some counter that arguement and now thinking and typeing about it i think it may or should be added to another form of waste seperation and maybe be included into a dairy waste management system, as the yolk mucus and the shell it self is more like a dairy like of similar issues to milk, not just because of the vegan string. Maybe eggshells should be crushed and broken into smitherines and ziplocked like my ciggarette ash quanitfying and collecting system. Anyhow TIME now 4:35am Tuesday The 21st of August 2018 [just had thoughts of Sarah and how its a pity we never made it socialablely or functional-abililty like to injoi working together takeing the compost out or doing the home hobby farm without animals thing, just marriage that was never let to fruitate and only lucky to my knowledge shes loved and cared for by someone else do i not want to sewerslide ride prime or think that lifes not worth it. Anyhow time now 4:37am & still listening to that Acid Rain - Lorn song just my back is getting sore and is an ergonomics issue, something that i have no site yet in which to blue link it to. TIME 4:38am 21/08/2018

4:39am Tuesday The 21st of AUGUST 2018 ~ Thinking I need to rewrite a debt list or do a budjet for this coming pay and for the rest of the month and following month this September 2018


Now it is 5:04am Tuesday The 21st of AUgust 2018 & I need to compile & construct an anyother referance to a to-do list (a 2getfinished list) TIME NOW 5:08am Tuesday the 21st of AUGUST 2018 ~ & here is the next day Wednesday the 22nd of AUGUST 2018