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It is not yet Wednesday, though then is my payday that i need to budget/budjet for. I gotta pay my $300.00c AUD RENT for the fortnight & also repay my $500.00c AUD overdraft and allow for the DR INTEREST to be covered to be taken from my account(s) as like the $10.00c AUD overdraft useage fee on September 1st 2018

It is nearly 5am Tuesday morning and I shouldnt be writting on this page yet I should leave it so I have a fresh canvass for tomorrow though I should link here another debt list or money allocation list due to my ocd and find fun in doing such typeing nonpurposefull seams to be bullshit anyway I am speaking not exactly that should be written so I should end it there or copy and paste it to the other page? I will link 21st of August 2018's page here signing off time now +- 0451 TUESDAY 21ST AUGUST 2018

(need the strike line acorss whole page script to add one here either above or below this string of text for a new feature on the pages i could add.......

I figured it out I found it on GOOGLE ~ thank GOD it wasnt much and it will hopefully stick to my memory. JUST REMEMBER FROM THIS SENTENCE TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE I RIT THIS SCRIPT ON TUESDAY THE 21ST BEFORE WEDNESDAY