Daniel Dawson
15 hrs ยท
THe 25th of July 2019.$
Has been known to me since almost at least since I tangiblely received the 24 gold meltsbricksINGOT$ I won at auction in September 2014 on eBay & since then halve were thefted and also learned they were radioactive or were radium?uranium?thalium?mercury?lead?feel weird sick thirstyish drained run out and yeah maddness. I am a schizophrenic and they cost me near $400 USD for almost $400 AUD when USD:AUD 1:1 though yeah the Israels curse effects all those that are on the planet and even though good fortune may have come to the thieves of the halve 12 each individual person who has come across them or at least sighted the ones I had and or have well you each need to submit a written sentence statement on how the world may be saved in inportantce the areas of Israel Egypt
Also gravity from a home a love a wife like Sarah was and is I hope to the same man well how can the world be restored so then again when monuments of function a guidance across AfricA and ? ArabiA as the shining light across the mass spance of land and geography well just criminal fraudulent To(phoneDefruited.up)toot in car man on psychlink, haunts, times of prelude and of agent28 not just the audit pin well ideas from the beneficiers that prospered from the gold like 90s captain planets individual elemental contributors adepts the twelve names that I am unable or haven't attempts to list as I haven't thought to do so and I don't have any primary or secondary? Historic sources outside memory and influence-emotion so the list of thefted gold finders each person needs the idea(?$) assigned to each of themselves. The time is 11:22pm Thursday The 25th of July 2019.$
& the credit to note now is the Israeli Cook that carried the gold across Iraq into or died collapsed was shot at the border of near Turkey and the eBay parcel was from an Israeli account and the packaging had Israeli shekles stamps and Turkish Liros so yeah there's more that needs to be written though there's another start. 11:25pm Thursday 25.07.2019.$
1 minute until 3pm on Friday The 26th of July 2019.$
3:00pm - I also need to add here a link to one of these paintfiles I did earlier this year of Jerusalem and or the Dome of Rock a reference or prompting from the number 24.

3:34pm Friday The 26th of July 2019.$
3:35pm Friday The 26th of July 2019.$