
| | | | index202501_dande.html | | | > > > > just a draft so far / so is still just a htmlpage / index in progress . . . . . . .

//// ////// https://unfree.coffeecup.com/2024/2025after2024/debt-portfolio-DANDE-relatedd / $-202501_dande.html

  • ?$ ~ DEBT$-A20241214nearly4am-VENUSiAN-TEMPLE-REVENUE-PLEDGE-Z.txt ~ 73 B Y T E $ ((edit::addedd:now 406 BYTE$!)))
  • $? $$$$ ( ( ( debt_list_from_20250103_facebook_DANDE.txt . . . . .
  • ? ~ 2:19$-z187am Saturday20250104-iNEEDtOrEgATHERaLLtHEf1LE$z!aNDcONTR1BUTEDdMATER1ALtHAToTHERpEOPLEsUBM1TTEDdYEARSago!!!!!!!

    2:234$6 AM - SATURDAY - 20250104 - DANDE | ||| |||||

  • ? add here!

  • 02:30 AM - SATURDAY 20250104 - D A N D E

  • TH15-444PM-HTML-FiLE-i-AM-MAKiNG-NOW-A20250110-DANDE.html

  • 0S:OZ PM - 05:03 PM FR1DAY 20250110 - D A N D E
    05:05 PM - FR1DAY 20250110 - D A N D E

    04:43 PM - WEDNESDAY 20250115 - D A N D E These9%24page%24todayWEDNESDAY20250115-DANDE.txt ~ this file havent finishedd typeing though intend to later on somehow sometime and yeah... !! DOES HAVE TO DO WITH TH1S THOUGHT OF ONLY TODAY SET OF THREE WORDSZ TO COMPLIMENT THE MOMVEMENT OR MY RELIGION and that of like MOSES LAW and the 10 commentments and then the new testaments one rule summedd it all up to love and not hurt though i thought this triplet today: OUR_UTOP1AN_DUTY_!!!!!!

    ! NOW : 04:46 PM - WEDNESDAY 20250115 - D A N D E
    ! NOW : 08:28 PM - WEDNESDAY 20250115 - D A N D E

  • ?
  • ! THE 87TH LiNE OF HTML CODE .... ...... -------- ///////

    h t t p s : / / 2ndpublic.blogspot.com ~ as this blog ive been posting from and not trying to edit/alter coffeecup.com hostedd and storedd html filesz & other filesz etc .......