u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
| | | | November-2023-List-of-Link$-TW0(only130htmlScryptLine$z1)-202311.html | | |
Wednesday November 1st 2023 | | | |Thursday November 2nd 2023 | | | |
- A202311before12midnight1st2nd-of-November-2023-$-DANDE.txt ~ 951 BYTE$| ... ......
- A202311o1or0z-1-FACEBOOK-COMMENT-TO-SOME1-ELSEs-POST.txt ~ 628 BYTE$| ... ......
- history file$ that have already been made re: Israel's curse before now November 2nd 2023 | | | |
- plannedd to have a debt relatedd manifest link listedd here for this day Thursday20231102.$...
- an extensive asx share codesz listing
for "control" = my inch off polonial b$ . . . .
- up2u Dan, though there was ment to be only 7 links listedd here for today (Thursday2023110Z| ||| | | | | / ~
- $ - = ~ Shell(thEvENUSIANtemple)UFTG revenue pledge now $2,815.25c AUD still to go only .... . . . .
Fr1day November 3rd 2023 | | | |Saturday November 4th 2023 | | | |?day November ??? 2023 | | | |
https://unfree.coffeecup.com / privateer0.html ~ the unfinishedd draftquality (June2017near my 30th birthday) attempt to mimic/make a in-likening for anyone to access and benefit/be rewardedd for (like in PRiVATEER the computer space game) completeing missions?/z! though yeah i thought i got paid $75ish the night after scrypting this up at Belgrave Library thinking it was the Governments way of saying thankyou and i was undergoing a good initiative though it was just some bill$ stimulus or something though yeah anyhow now 5 years nearly 5 months later still such like Centrelink's mid 2000s employment and harvest trail jobs kiosk thing i fully wantedd to have this think of it like an ATM though it has missions available for u to earn money away from the terminal and in your ship or in real life i guess be your self person maybe go as far as getting yourself a backpack or thieveing a supermarket trolley for some logistics swearing and to self promiseing you'll bring it back to void the penalty of stealing though yeah this string of text mightnot be good though hopefuilly it is and yeah now it is only 58minutes approx till midnight of the 4th and 5th of November 2023 | | | |
- https://unfree.coffeecup.com / index2timecapsule4.html ~ now here is an ASTA/ASTHMA vandalledd or editedd/alteredd from the very better original index.html that had been made after the very first original index file i made when i first set up this account with coffeecup.com from the article in that opshop gotten PC magazine that im so thankfull for the service and product/hosting/file storage even iv remote hackers/z insist on having their fun toying me and that though yeah here is a almost containing all or most of the content the site had on / in it near when i got hit by the car crossing the road in Upper Gully July 3rd 2017 near 5or530pm though yeah anyhow now its, the time just went from 11:08pm to 11:09pm so yeah tonight is Saturday and after midnight it'll be Sunday November 5th 2023 | | | | [[[[ file was untouchedd before tonight since (AmericA)8th (& AustraliA 7th?9th?_ of July 2017 ]]]] ~ mild editing tonight Saturday November 4th 2023 | | | |
Sunday November 5th 2023 | | | |
- notepad-transcribe-2-A202311050103-$-DANDE.txt ~ 401 BYTE$| ... ......
- 0357-2023-$.png ~ an attempt to make some advert/informative/optional/offer for me to mow maybe a neighbour's lawn for a packet of cigarettesz im not fully happy with it though likedd the idea..